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A Day in the Life of a Staff Software Developer Team Lead

Mar 8, 2024

4 min read

By: Mappedin

As a part of International Women’s Day, we interviewed our very own Katie McConnell! Katie shared her strategies for encouraging female representation in the tech industry and much more. Continue reading to learn more about Katie’s journey at Mappedin.

How would you best describe your role? 

At Mappedin, I am the Team Lead Developer for the Solutions team. My responsibilities involve overseeing out-of-the-box products, collaborating with designers, and identifying and implementing new features requested by clients or for product enhancement. This includes tasks such as creating tickets, conducting development work, managing teams, holding one-on-one sessions, and facilitating developer meetings.

What does your typical workday look like?


Typically commencing work at 8:00 AM, I dedicate a couple of hours to development tasks, followed by code reviews and stand-up meetings at 10:00 AM. The remainder of the morning may involve attending a few meetings or focusing on coding tasks.


During the afternoon, I continue coding with intermittent meetings interspersed throughout the day.

What is your go-to lunch? 

Every day, I indulge in a bagel topped with a fried egg, accompanied by chili oil crunch.

Can you tell us about your journey into the tech industry? What initially sparked your interest in software development? 

I didn't have any friends in the development field for a long time, and it never crossed my mind to pursue engineering. Then one day, a friend, encouraged by someone else, decided to try development, which inspired me to explore coding. After trying it out at home for three months and feeling like I wasn't making progress, I decided to enroll in a boot camp, and that's when my passion for coding was truly ignited.

What strategies do you use to mentor and support junior developers, especially women within your team? 

One of my key objectives is encouraging everyone to ask as many questions as possible. Some individuals tend to remain silent and avoid asking questions, but it's crucial to comprehend the reasons and processes behind tasks. It can be intimidating to ask questions, but it's important, and there is no such thing as a “foolish” question. Asking questions in a group setting also allows for a diverse range of answers,  which encourages communication. Overall, I feel that communication is key. 

How do you balance technical responsibilities with managerial tasks in your role as a team lead? 

Currently, I am engaged in a balance of 40% managerial responsibilities and 60% development work, which I find to be an ideal combination since I have a strong passion for development. I am actively working to delegate tasks where possible, which provides others with opportunities to take on new challenges and projects.

In your opinion, what are some key skills or qualities that are essential for success in software development leadership skills? 

I feel that communication is very important in this role. It involves not only relaying tickets to team members but also understanding their perspectives and motivations. By grasping why individuals make certain decisions, we can identify areas for improvement and provide growth opportunities. I always look to provide additional support or resources we can offer to help my team grow!

What initiatives or strategies do you think are crucial for improving gender diversity and inclusivity in the tech industry? 

It begins during school years; initiating mentoring programs would be beneficial. Women in the workplace face distinct challenges compared to men. Those who are less assertive may struggle to voice their thoughts effectively. These challenges stem from a young age and we must provide the tools necessary to young women who want to pursue opportunities in the tech industry. 

What do you enjoy the most about working at Mappedin? 

I really like the variety of work offered at Mappedin! I also enjoy how quickly we move, allowing for swift decision-making. 

What advice would you give to a Junior Software Developer? 

Persistence is key; remain committed to your goals. Embrace curiosity and never hesitate to seek clarification through questioning. Remember, there's no shame in seeking understanding. Trust in your abilities and convictions; believe that you are capable of achieving what you set out to do. Confidence in yourself is essential; always back yourself up and have faith in your capabilities.